Full Mulholland Drive in Top Quality
Now you can watch full Mulholland Drive in top quality with duration 147 Min and was released on 2001-05-16 and MPAA rating is 314.- Original Title : Mulholland Drive
- Movie title in your country : Mulholland Drive
- Year of movie : 2001
- Genres of movie : Drama, Mystery, Thriller,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2001-05-16
- Companies of movie : The Picture Factory, Les Films Alain Sarde, Asymmetrical Productions, Babbo Inc., Canal+,
- Countries of movie : France, United States of America,
- Language of movie : Español, English,
- Durationof movie : 147 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.2
- Youtube ID of movie : 96R9MG0DxLc
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,PT,IT,TR,FI,FR,ZH,RU,NL,CS,ES,SV,PL,SR,HU,DA,EL,HE,RO,
- Cast of movie :Naomi Watts (Betty Elms), Laura Harring (Rita), Ann Miller (Catherine Lenoix), Dan Hedaya (Vincenzo Castigliane), Justin Theroux (Adam Kesher), Brent Briscoe (Detective Neal Domgaard), Robert Forster (Detective Harry McKnight), Katharine Towne (Cynthia Jenzen), Lee Grant (Louise Bonner), Scott Coffey (Wilkins), Billy Ray Cyrus (Gene), Chad Everett (Jimmy Katz), Rita Taggart (Linney James), James Karen (Wally Brown), Lori Heuring (Lorraine Kesher), Angelo Badalamenti (Luigi Castigliani), Michael Des Barres (Billy Deznutz), Marcus Graham (Vincent Darby), Missy Crider (Waitress at Winkies (Diane / Betty) (as Melissa Crider)), Robert Katims (Ray Hott), Jeanne Bates (Irene), Dan Birnbaum (Irene's Companion at Airport), Randall Wulff (Limo Driver (as Scott Wulff)), Maya Bond (Ruth Elms), Patrick Fischler (Dan), Michael Cooke (Herb), Bonnie Aarons (Bum), Michael J. Anderson (Mr. Roque), Joseph Kearney (Roque's Manservant), Enrique Buelna (Back of Head Man), Richard Mead (Hairy-Armed Man), Sean Everett (Cab Driver at LAX (as Sean E. Markland)), Daniel Rey (Valet Attendant), David Schroeder (Robert Smith), Tom Morris (Espresso Man), Melissa George (Camilla Rhodes), Mo Gallini (Castigliane Limo Driver (as Matt Gallini)), Mark Pellegrino (Joe Messing), Vincent Castellanos (Ed), Diane Nelson (Heavy-Set Woman), Charles Croughwell (Vacuum Man (as Charlie Croughwell)), Rena Riffel (Laney), Tad Horino (Taka), Tony Longo (Kenny), Geno Silva (Cookie Park Hotel Manager / Club Silencio M.C.), Monty Montgomery (Cowboy (as Lafayette Montgomery)), Kate Forster (Martha Johnson), Wayne Grace (Bob Brooker), Michele Hicks (Nicki Pelazza), Lisa K. Ferguson (Julie Chadwick (as Lisa Ferguson)), William Ostrander (2nd Assistant Director), Lisa Lackey (Carol), Brian Beacock (Backup Singer #1), Blake Lindsley (Backup Singer #2), Adrien Curry (Backup Singer #3), Tyrah M. Lindsey (Backup Singer #4), Michael D. Weatherred (Hank (as Michael Weatherred)), Michael Fairman (Jason), Johanna Stein (Woman in #12), Richard Green (Bondar), Conte Candoli (Club Silencio Trumpet Player (as Conti Condoli)), Cori Glazer (Blue-Haired Lady in balcony seat at Club Silencio), Rebekah Del Rio (Herself), Lyssie Powell (Blond in Bed (Corpse) in #17), Kimberly Clever (Dancer), Joshua Collazo (Dancer), David Frutos (Dancer), Peter Loggins (Dancer), Theresa Salazar (Dancer), Thea Samuels (Dancer), Christian Thompson (Dancer)
Movie synopsis of Mulholland Drive :
Release Mulholland Drive in HD Format with movie summary "After a car wreck on the winding Mulholland Drive renders a woman amnesic, she and a perky Hollywood-hopeful search for clues and answers across Los Angeles in a twisting venture beyond dreams and reality." in HD video. Best Mulholland Drive in Best Quality by clicking the button above.
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Director : David Lynch, Producer : Alain Sarde, Original Music Composer : Angelo Badalamenti, Director of Photography : Peter Deming, Editor : Mary Sweeney, Production Design : Jack Fisk, Art Direction : Peter Jamison, Set Decoration : Barbara Haberecht, Costume Design : Amy Stofsky, Still Photographer : Melissa Moseley, Writer : David Lynch, Executive Producer : Pierre Edelman, Producer : Neal Edelstein, Producer : Tony Krantz, Producer : Michael Polaire, Producer : Mary Sweeney
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Tags: schizophrenia, identity, amnesia, loss of sense of reality, suppressed past, trauma, key, bisexuality, hallucination, surreal, job interview, casting, suspense, los angeles, amor lésbico, cine independiente,
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